Interior Design Project for the Malaga Bar Association

Interior design of the Malaga Bar Association. A spatial branding focused on the well-being of the members, where calm and elegance take presence in the space.


AREA | 237m²


Photography Lolo Mestanza

CATEGORY | Interior Design, Interior Architecture, Spatial Branding, Brand Implementation in Space, Corporate Interior Design, Office Design, Architecture, Interior Architecture, Design of Spaces, Interior Design for Lawyers, Office Design for Lawyers.

diseño carpinteria para abogados de Málaga

The City of Justice in Malaga has undergone an exciting renovation, leading to the relocation of professional associations to a new location. It now features a new interior design for lawyers and other professionals in the field.

The Malaga Bar Association has embraced this new challenge as the perfect opportunity to create a comfortable and welcoming space for its members.

From the outset, the primary focus of the project has been the well-being of the members. The goal has been to create a flexible space that adapts to their evolving needs.

This new approach is the starting point for the interior design of the City of Justice and the main headquarters of the Malaga Bar Association at the Malaga port. A refreshed and updated spatial branding to align with modern times.

mesas y taburetes altos de trabajo
espacio de reuniones temporal
mesas y taburetes altos de trabajo

Project Idea

To adapt the interior design for the lawyers to these needs, it was essential to conduct a thorough analysis of the Malaga Bar Association and the legal profession in general. The design was based on the core principles and values of the association and its brand.

The main goal was to provide an environment where members could optimally practice their profession, honoring tradition while looking toward the future.

On the other hand, a neutral common space also had to be created to accommodate various professional associations. The challenge lay in finding the balance between individual identity and needs, while simultaneously promoting collaboration and coexistence among them.

detalle de carpintería
detalle del mobiliario del colegio de abogados de Malaga
detalle mueble de oficina flexible

The Spaces

Five distinct spaces have been created, each with its own identity and purpose, to meet the diverse needs of the members. These spaces have been designed and configured to provide both functionality and comfort.

First, an administration area for the Malaga Bar Association has been designed. This space features an area specifically created for administrative activities and internal management. The furniture has been adapted to meet the needs of this type of work while still reflecting the association’s identity.

zona de administración

Secondly, a workspace for the member lawyers has been created, equipped with desks, computers, and meeting rooms, providing an adequate space for professional tasks and work meetings.

Additionally, a more informal work area has been designed, also for member lawyers. This area is intended to provide a more relaxed environment conducive to the exchange of ideas. High tables and stools have been installed, facilitating collaboration and informal discussions.

mesas y taburetes altos de trabajo

The duty room, on the other hand, is designed to encourage collaborative work. This room includes a fixed consultation station, a sofa for relaxation, and small meeting areas. It provides an environment conducive to communication and cooperation.

Lastly, the common area for all members (lawyers, solicitors, etc.) is focused on rest, informal meetings, and relaxed work. This space offers a welcoming atmosphere where all members can interact and establish professional connections.

espacios de trabajo

Interior Design for Lawyers

Additionally, a palette of neutral and elegant colors has been used. These tones harmoniously blend with the distinctive corporate blue, creating a balanced and aesthetically pleasing environment. The choice of colors is intended to convey a sense of serenity and sophistication, providing an environment conducive to focus, collaboration, and overall well-being.

detalle textil mobiliario
detalle de la marca utilizada
detalle mobiliario de oficina abogados Malaga

The incorporation of a wooden lattice that separates the spaces has provided privacy to the different areas, creating a comfortable working environment.

The furniture serves a dual purpose: aesthetics and functionality. Acoustic armchairs have been included to facilitate informal conversations and meetings, as well as to offer a quiet place for solitude and concentration. Additionally, there are areas with high stools for enjoying coffee and round tables with chairs.

The new location of the professional associations in the City of Justice in Malaga has been radically transformed thanks to the focus on the well-being of the members and the meticulous interior design of the spaces.

espacios flexibles de trabajo

Definitely, a comfortable, versatile, and welcoming environment has been created that meets the needs of the members and fosters a productive work atmosphere. A spatial branding service for the lawyers of Malaga.